• The transition from primary to secondary education is a good place to start even though the teens might not have quite been reached. You may well have copies of old school photographs. What faces stand out to you, if any, and why? Teachers? Fellow pupils? Did you keep in touch? Did you or anyone you knew experience corporal punishment? That is something very hard to imagine for the current generation.

  • You are becoming an adult. It is probably the most formative age for most of us, both mentally and physically. Photographs will show how the body morphs but only your memories will reveal how you developed emotionally. Many in your audience will share your genes. They will feel close to you if you can share the full range of your memories, too. Even those that carried some pain or would have been too personal to relate at the time.

  • Look out for stories and experiences that reveal the way attitudes have changed. The same applies to the technology you have used. Details of both will be valuable especially if you can place an anecdote or specific memory around them. Did you get pocket money or did you have any jobs to earn money? How much? What could (and did) you buy with your money.

  • What were the records that were the hits of the day or that you particularly liked? Any pinups? Heart throbs? Did you go dancing? What was the first record you bought? What did you play it on?

  • Looking back, do you have any views about education in general based on your own experience? Anything you might have wished had been different for you? Did any teachers have any particular impact on your development? What were your best and worst subjects?

  • Your best (and worst) subjects? Your first forays into arts and crafts? Do you still have anything you created as a child? Many traits and talents are genetic and future generations will be fascinated to learn the source of their own strengths and weaknesses. Are there any signs yet of what career path you might take? What are the qualities that made a particular teacher good for you?

  • What was the rest of your family doing during this period? What was home life and routine like? Did you board? Did you know anyone who did to compare? What do you remember most vividly about your parents or siblings?

  • Can’t put this off much longer. What about first love? Can you remember your first awareness of that sort of attraction? If this is relevant/appropriate, who was it? Did the path run smooth? Did the fates take a hand in your journey or did you chart its course?

    Lessons learnt?

    At this stage of your life it might be your vulnerabilities that are most telling and interesting to your audience. Everyone has them.

  • Any "Reflections" on this phase of your life?"